
Do not cut the cuticles, always carry a file with you, give them time to rest from the varnish. You will find these and some more tips for healthy nails in the following lines. Here are 12 golden rules for healthy nails.

Exfoliate hands – hands, like any other part of the body, need exfoliation to remove dead skin cells. You can use a face or body scrub for this purpose. Find an application for the old toothbrush, boil it in hot water and use it. With its help, you can take care of the area around and under the nails completely and delicately.

healthy nailsBe gentle – never take care of your hands and nails when you don’t have time. Nail shaping should be done slowly to avoid injuries. It is also advisable not to use metal tools, but to replace them with wooden or plastic ones.

Health in the face of vanity – yes, it’s good to be with nail polish all the time and have an exquisite manicure, but remember that nails also need rest. When you notice that they become more brittle or lose their natural color, give them 1-2 weeks to rest from procedures. Nourish them regularly with oils and creams to help them recover.

Always carry a nail file with you – the nail file is one of the accessories you should always carry with you.

manicure tipsDisinfect nail tools – always disinfect the tools you use to style your nails. This will prevent bacterial infection.

Do not cut the cuticles – this is one of the most important tips. Never cut the cuticles of the nails. Cutting them once means that you will have to do it regularly, the way back is difficult, though not impossible. When cutting, bleeding can occur and the body “opens” for the entry of bacteria. Instead, gently push the cuticles after applying the oil.

Always use a base – if you are varnishing at home, do not forget to use a base for varnish. With it, not only will the color be more saturated, but you will also protect your nails. Get a product that acts as a base and top coat to save space and money.

Wash the dishes with gloves – yes, it’s uncomfortable and takes a little longer. There is no dispute about that. If you wash the dishes with gloves, you will do a great service to your hands and nails.

oval nailsOval manicure is harder to break – oval nails break less often than square ones.

Cuticle Massage – Healthier Nails – If your nails are brittle or growing more slowly, try a cuticle massage. Put a little warm olive oil and massage lightly for about 30 seconds each finger. This stimulates blood circulation and helps nail growth.

Never peel nail polish – when peeling, the top natural layer of the nail is often removed. Recovery after that is very difficult and the only way is to let the nail grow.

File your nails in one direction – never file your nails back and forth. And if your manicurist does it well, look for a new one, because she probably doesn’t understand her job. Nail filing should take place from one end to the middle, then from the other to the middle.