Blackheads mask

Blackheads on the face, also known by the medical name comedones, are an unpleasant and sometimes difficult problem to fix. Here are some ways to deal with blackheads and prevent them from recurring.

To prevent blackheads on the face, you should always keep your skin clean. To do this, in the morning and evening go through the problem areas with a tonic or micellar solution, and during the day bet on lighter makeup to let the skin breathe.

When shopping for facial cosmetics, always keep in mind what type of skin you have, because the wrong product can further oil or dry the skin. Once or twice a month, do prophylaxis with masks. It is desirable to do this after the end of menstruation to avoid hormonal imbalance during the cycle.

How to deal with blackheads?

Blackheads treatmentThe most important rule is not to squeeze or irritate the problem areas, because this can make the situation worse. When you have decided to treat blackheads, always work with clean hands and rinse your face well so that a new problem does not appear until the problem is solved.

Among the most commonly used ways to deal with blackheads is the steam bath, as the heat opens the pores and allows dirt to be cleaned more easily. About 2-3 minutes over a bowl of hot water are enough.

Another popular remedy against blackheads is aloe vera oil, as it not only eliminates the problem but also heals by reducing the risk of redness on the skin. To do this, use a tonic or face cream with an extract of natural medicine.

get rid of blackheadsOur mothers and grandmothers treated the blackheads with baking soda. It is enough to dilute it with a little water to get a paste, rub it on the problem areas and rinse with warm water. It is important to be careful with the massage so as not to redden the area. Today, almost every scrub has a similar effect (as long as it suits your skin type).

Honey, lemon juice and raw potatoes can also help you fight blackheads. Cut the potatoes into slices and leave to cool in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, then rub the blackheads with it and rinse with warm water. For honey or lemon juice, smear a cotton swab with the ingredient of your choice and use it to remove blackheads. Leave for 10 minutes and finally rinse.

Three quick masks against blackheads:

Eva Longoria get rid of blackheadsIn a bowl, mix 2 tbsp. honey and 1-2 tsp. cinnamon, stir until a paste. Then apply the mixture on the blackheads and leave it overnight, and rinse in the morning. To be effective, the procedure must be repeated several times.

Make a mask of oats and rose water. After mixing the ingredients, spread the mask all over your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water.

You need the egg whites of 2 eggs. Beat them to a froth and smear them all over your face. Then cover the black dots with pieces of kitchen paper and let it dry. Finally, carefully remove the paper from the skin.